Haier D1200 Modem Faster When Using Driver Old Version

Modems are stable is very important for internet needs. You certainly do not want the modem is slow because it is very disturbing comfort in the internet.
I would like to share your experiences with the modem haier D1200.
The tips are very simple:
Find drivers modem haier D1200 old version (if you need the first version) if you look hard you can download the driver below.
Do not do the update driver.
If your computer has installed the new version of the driver, backup driver and Unistall the drivers, then you can install the driver haier old version.
You can compare with the new smart driver: which has a speed of 153 kbps speed. Test for dowload, for example: by using the dowload manager that we can speed 153:8=19 125 if at full signal.
Well if we use the old driver though we regestrasi 153 kbps. formula so different.
Old drivers-standard 230 kbps. (130:8 = 28.75) was not possible to get the speed of 28.75 but at least we can get speeds above 20kbps and it's easy to get (at least 75% signal).
How can it be ....? could have been. and we've practiced for a long time. even download for OS XP3 from mediafire 530mb can be successful. This superb .. ! please try these tips. and may be useful.

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