Fixing Ram Memory Problems

Computer unable to boot, even a failure in the OS installation. This is a serious problem, a lot of causes, including the Memory Ram dirty, half or totally damaged.
If the situation had reached this level, the computer should not be forced to operate continuously, for more serious damage will result. To get started you should feel calm first. You should check your hardware, maybe your ram memory whose condition is not 100%.
Follow these steps:
- Prepare the brush used to paint, try a small size, still in good condition, and not dirty.
- Disconnect all external cables, especially the AC power cord.
- Open the CPU carefully.
- Do not disconnect the internal wiring if you do not understand.
- Notice if there is an electronic plate (PCB) is the smallest, and in a standing position MotherBoot above, it is the Ram Memory.
- Ram Memory Open the lock on the tip and base.
- Remove the Memory Ram with caution.
- Clean with brush your Ram Memory.
- Clean up all socket, place before the establishment of Ram Memory.
- You can also winds with an air pump machine, with a note not to get too close.
- Once you are sure that both are clean then return the Ram memory in place, and the keys returned.
Test your computer, if you succeed, congratulations .. means you are becoming a computer repairman.
And Congratulations too, because you just jammed Ram memory due to impurities.
If your ram memory only one and have not succeeded, you should test your computer with another ram memory.
And if your Ram memory is more than one, you should try it one by one.
If you have not managed to agree, do not worry I still have another tip for this.
I hope my experience is beneficial to you. And Good luck. Regards.
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