Tips Changing Beautiful Cursor

Cursor is beautiful can eliminate boredom in the work using a computer. Changing the cursor does not much affect the performance of operating system, even practically nil.
Corsor fairly easy to replace, but for those of you who do not know can perform the following steps:
- When finished downloading, extract
- Right-click on file.inf
- Click install and cursors ready to use
- Then open the control panel
- Open the "cursor" and select menu "Pointers"
- Select the name of the cursor that you isntall earlier in Scheme
- Click Ok and finish
In the windows themselves are already provided cursor sharing model and the number was not small. And if you just want to use the cursor is already installed, you simply start from no: 4.
But in our opinion less attractive, and therefore we post corsor for your download. Hopefully this will bring benefits and luck. Greetings.
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