Real Time Backup Hard Drive Or Scheduled, Samsung Auto Backup

Backup Hard Drive in real time or scheduled.
: Samsung Auto Backup
: 4.1.371.0 Update To 08.30
: 41.9 MB Update 48MB
: Free
: Windows All
: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Samsung Auto Backup offers something that is easy to use or how to protect data and stored on an external hard drive. Samsung Auto Backup enhance the user with the support of two modes:
- Real-time mode
- If the file or folder is modified or added to it, the corresponding folder or file is backed up in real time.
- Scheduled mode
- This type can be executed on a regular basis point backup function with date and time.
This type can be executed on a regular basis point backup function with date and time.
To download the Samsung Auto Backup ver. 4.1.371.0, it seems the link is outdated, so instead we give a new link, Samsung Auto Backup ver. 08.30, we hope you are not disappointed but rather pleased, because that is downloaded is the latest version of Samsung Auto Backup.
Thank you for your attention, happy downloading and good luck. Salam.
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