Free Download Windows Installer 4.5.6001.22133 Beta

Multi-package introduced in Windows Installer 4.5 which allows for creating a single Windows Installer transaction from separate packages.
: Microsoft Windows Installer
: 4.5.6001.22133 Beta
: n.a
: Free
: Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista/2008 (x86/x64)
: Microsoft
Now, developers can divide products into multiple packages that can be set up and maintain a Windows Installer transaction durability. Common examples: providing language specific products in two packages, one language neutral World Wide package and a package of a particular language.
Support for multi-package transactions provided through the new API MsiBeginTransaction, MsiEndTransaction, and MsiJoinTransaction.
In creating multi-package transaction support, Windows Installer further formalizing the role chainer in the application installation and servicing stack. Windows Installer 4.5 adds new MsiEmbeddedUI MsiEmbeddedChainer table to support the embedding binaries that previously required to be outdoors for MSI.
What was previously only external code can now be called the Windows integration points are designed to simply call a single Windows Installer package. With Windows Installer, developers will be able to easily create a product that is made of several separate packages.
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