Stinger removal tool is used to detect and remove specific viruses.
Helpful when dealing with an infected system, general removal tool has the ability to clear the virus better than anti-virus.
Stinger utilizing generation scan engine technology front, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.
Windows ME and XP utilize a restore utility backs up selected files automatically to the C: folder _Restore.
This means that an infected file could be stored there as a backup file, and VirusScan will be able to delete these files. Have disabled System Restore Utility to remove the infected files from the C: folder _Restore.
Variants that can be detected Stinger:
- BackDoor-ALI
- BackDoor-AQJ
- BackDoor-AQJ.b
- BackDoor-CEB
- BackDoor-CEB!bat
- BackDoor-CEB!hosts
- BackDoor-CEB.b
- BackDoor-CEB.c
- BackDoor-CEB.d
- BackDoor-CEB.dll
- BackDoor-CEB.dr
- BackDoor-CEB.e
- BackDoor-CEB.f
- BackDoor-CEB.sys
- BackDoor-CFB
- BackDoor-JZ
- BackDoor-JZ.dam
- BackDoor-JZ.dr
- BackDoor-JZ.gen
- BackDoor-JZ.gen.b
- Bat/Mumu.worm
- Downloader-DN.a
- Downloader-DN.b
- Exploit-DcomRpc
- Exploit-DcomRpc.b
- Exploit-DcomRpc.dll
- Exploit-Lsass
- Exploit-Lsass.dll
- Exploit-MS04-011
- Exploit-MS04-011.gen
- HideWindow
- HideWindow.dll
- IPCScan
- IRC/Flood.ap
- IRC/Flood.ap.bat
- IRC/Flood.ap.dr
- IRC/
- IRC/
- IRC/
- NTServiceLoader
- ProcKill
- PWS-Narod
- PWS-Narod.dll
- PWS-Narod.gen
- PWS-Sincom
- PWS-Sincom.dll
- PWS-Sincom.dr
- W32/Anig.worm
- W32/Anig.worm.dll
- W32/Bagle
- W32/Bagle!eml.gen
- W32/Bagle!pwdzip
- W32/!src
- W32/Bagle.dldr
- W32/Bagle.dll.dr
- W32/Bagle.eml
- W32/Bagle.fb!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fc!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fd!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fe!pwdzip
- W32/
- W32/Bagle.gen
- W32/Bagle@MM!cpl
- W32/Blaster.worm
- W32/Blaster.worm.k
- W32/Bropia.worm
- W32/Bugbear
- W32/Bugbear.a.dam
- W32/Bugbear.b!data
- W32/Bugbear.b.dam
- W32/Bugbear.gen@MM
- W32/Bugbear.h@MM
- W32/Bugbear@MM
- W32/Deborm.worm.ah
- W32/Deborm.worm.gen
- W32/Doomjuice.worm
- W32/Dumaru
- W32/
- W32/
- W32/Dumaru.dll
- W32/Dumaru.eml
- W32/Dumaru.gen
- W32/Dumaru.gen@MM
- W32/Dumaru.w.gen
- W32/Elkern.cav
- W32/Elkern.cav.c
- W32/Elkern.cav.c.dam
- W32/Fizzer
- W32/Fizzer.dll
- W32/FunLove
- W32/FunLove.apd
- W32/Gaobot.worm
- W32/Harwig.worm
- W32/IRCbot
- W32/IRCbot.worm
- W32/IRCbot.worm.dll
- W32/Klez
- W32/Klez.dam
- W32/Klez.eml
- W32/Klez.gen.b@MM
- W32/Klez.rar
- W32/Korgo.worm
- W32/Lirva
- W32/Lirva.c.htm
- W32/Lirva.eml
- W32/Lirva.gen@MM
- W32/Lirva.htm
- W32/Lirva.txt
- W32/Lovgate
- W32/Mimail
- W32/Mimail.c@MM
- W32/Mimail.c@MM
- W32/Mimail.i!data
- W32/Mimail.q@MM
- W32/MoFei.worm
- W32/MoFei.worm.dr
- W32/Mumu.b.worm
- W32/Mydoom
- W32/Mydoom!bat
- W32/Mydoom!ftp
- W32/Mydoom.b!hosts
- W32/Mydoom.dam
- W32/Mydoom.t.dll
- W32/Mytob
- W32/Mytob.gen@MM
- W32/Mytob.worm
- W32/MyWife
- W32/MyWife.dll
- W32/MyWife@MM
- W32/Nachi!tftpd
- W32/Nachi.worm
- W32/Netsky
- W32/
- W32/Nimda
- W32/Nimda.dam
- W32/Nimda.eml
- W32/Nimda.gen@MM
- W32/Nimda.htm
- W32/Pate
- W32/Pate!dam
- W32/Pate.dam
- W32/Pate.dr
- W32/Polip
- W32/Polip!mem
- W32/Polybot
- W32/Polybot.bat
- W32/Sasser.worm
- W32/Sasser.worm!ftp
- W32/Sdbot
- W32/Sdbot!irc
- W32/Sdbot.bat
- W32/Sdbot.cli
- W32/Sdbot.dll
- W32/Sdbot.dr
- W32/Sdbot.worm
- W32/Sdbot.worm!ftp
- W32/Sdbot.worm.bat.b
- W32/Sdbot.worm.dr
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.a
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.b
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.c
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.d
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.e
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.q
- W32/Sober
- W32/Sober!data
- W32/Sober.dam
- W32/Sober.eml
- W32/Sober.f.dam
- W32/Sober.g.dam
- W32/Sober.q!spam
- W32/Sober.r.dr
- W32/Sober.r@MM
- W32/Sobig
- W32/Sobig.dam
- W32/Sobig.eml
- W32/Sobig.f.dam
- W32/Sobig.gen@MM
- W32/Spybot.worm
- W32/SQLSlammer.worm
- W32/Swen
- W32/Swen@MM
- W32/Yaha.eml
- W32/Yaha.gen@MM
- W32/Yaha.y@MM
- W32/Yaha@MM
- W32/Zafi
- W32/Zafi.b.dam
- W32/Zindos.worm
- W32/Zotob.worm
- W32/Zotob.worm!hosts
New Detections:
- Generic BackDoor.aaq
- Generic BackDoor.aar
- Generic BackDoor.aas
- Generic BackDoor.aat
- Generic BackDoor.aau
- Generic BackDoor.aav
- Generic Downloader.pi
- Generic Downloader.pj
- Generic
- Generic FakeAlert.lm
- Generic
- W32/Autorun.worm.bga
- ZeroAccess.fl
Enhanced Detections:
- Downloader-BCS
- FakeAlert-KS.gen.av
- FakeAlert-SecurityTool
- Generic
- Generic BackDoor.aap
- Generic
- Generic Downloader.kj
- Generic Downloader.z
- Generic FakeAlert
- Generic VB.jb
- Medfos.e
- PWS-Zbot.gen.uh
- W32/Autorun.worm.g
- ZeroAccess.dr
- ZeroAccess.fe
- ZeroAccess.ff
Hope this useful and good luck. Salam.
There is no better word than thank you, for visiting our blog.
Note: Download will be directed to and to continue the "Skip Advertisement" at the top right corner.
: Free
: Windows All
: McAfee
Stinger utilizing generation scan engine technology front, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.
Windows ME and XP utilize a restore utility backs up selected files automatically to the C: folder _Restore.
This means that an infected file could be stored there as a backup file, and VirusScan will be able to delete these files. Have disabled System Restore Utility to remove the infected files from the C: folder _Restore.
Variants that can be detected Stinger:
- BackDoor-ALI
- BackDoor-AQJ
- BackDoor-AQJ.b
- BackDoor-CEB
- BackDoor-CEB!bat
- BackDoor-CEB!hosts
- BackDoor-CEB.b
- BackDoor-CEB.c
- BackDoor-CEB.d
- BackDoor-CEB.dll
- BackDoor-CEB.dr
- BackDoor-CEB.e
- BackDoor-CEB.f
- BackDoor-CEB.sys
- BackDoor-CFB
- BackDoor-JZ
- BackDoor-JZ.dam
- BackDoor-JZ.dr
- BackDoor-JZ.gen
- BackDoor-JZ.gen.b
- Bat/Mumu.worm
- Downloader-DN.a
- Downloader-DN.b
- Exploit-DcomRpc
- Exploit-DcomRpc.b
- Exploit-DcomRpc.dll
- Exploit-Lsass
- Exploit-Lsass.dll
- Exploit-MS04-011
- Exploit-MS04-011.gen
- HideWindow
- HideWindow.dll
- IPCScan
- IRC/Flood.ap
- IRC/Flood.ap.bat
- IRC/Flood.ap.dr
- IRC/
- IRC/
- IRC/
- NTServiceLoader
- ProcKill
- PWS-Narod
- PWS-Narod.dll
- PWS-Narod.gen
- PWS-Sincom
- PWS-Sincom.dll
- PWS-Sincom.dr
- W32/Anig.worm
- W32/Anig.worm.dll
- W32/Bagle
- W32/Bagle!eml.gen
- W32/Bagle!pwdzip
- W32/!src
- W32/Bagle.dldr
- W32/Bagle.dll.dr
- W32/Bagle.eml
- W32/Bagle.fb!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fc!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fd!pwdzip
- W32/Bagle.fe!pwdzip
- W32/
- W32/Bagle.gen
- W32/Bagle@MM!cpl
- W32/Blaster.worm
- W32/Blaster.worm.k
- W32/Bropia.worm
- W32/Bugbear
- W32/Bugbear.a.dam
- W32/Bugbear.b!data
- W32/Bugbear.b.dam
- W32/Bugbear.gen@MM
- W32/Bugbear.h@MM
- W32/Bugbear@MM
- W32/Deborm.worm.ah
- W32/Deborm.worm.gen
- W32/Doomjuice.worm
- W32/Dumaru
- W32/
- W32/
- W32/Dumaru.dll
- W32/Dumaru.eml
- W32/Dumaru.gen
- W32/Dumaru.gen@MM
- W32/Dumaru.w.gen
- W32/Elkern.cav
- W32/Elkern.cav.c
- W32/Elkern.cav.c.dam
- W32/Fizzer
- W32/Fizzer.dll
- W32/FunLove
- W32/FunLove.apd
- W32/Gaobot.worm
- W32/Harwig.worm
- W32/IRCbot
- W32/IRCbot.worm
- W32/IRCbot.worm.dll
- W32/Klez
- W32/Klez.dam
- W32/Klez.eml
- W32/Klez.gen.b@MM
- W32/Klez.rar
- W32/Korgo.worm
- W32/Lirva
- W32/Lirva.c.htm
- W32/Lirva.eml
- W32/Lirva.gen@MM
- W32/Lirva.htm
- W32/Lirva.txt
- W32/Lovgate
- W32/Mimail
- W32/Mimail.c@MM
- W32/Mimail.c@MM
- W32/Mimail.i!data
- W32/Mimail.q@MM
- W32/MoFei.worm
- W32/MoFei.worm.dr
- W32/Mumu.b.worm
- W32/Mydoom
- W32/Mydoom!bat
- W32/Mydoom!ftp
- W32/Mydoom.b!hosts
- W32/Mydoom.dam
- W32/Mydoom.t.dll
- W32/Mytob
- W32/Mytob.gen@MM
- W32/Mytob.worm
- W32/MyWife
- W32/MyWife.dll
- W32/MyWife@MM
- W32/Nachi!tftpd
- W32/Nachi.worm
- W32/Netsky
- W32/
- W32/Nimda
- W32/Nimda.dam
- W32/Nimda.eml
- W32/Nimda.gen@MM
- W32/Nimda.htm
- W32/Pate
- W32/Pate!dam
- W32/Pate.dam
- W32/Pate.dr
- W32/Polip
- W32/Polip!mem
- W32/Polybot
- W32/Polybot.bat
- W32/Sasser.worm
- W32/Sasser.worm!ftp
- W32/Sdbot
- W32/Sdbot!irc
- W32/Sdbot.bat
- W32/Sdbot.cli
- W32/Sdbot.dll
- W32/Sdbot.dr
- W32/Sdbot.worm
- W32/Sdbot.worm!ftp
- W32/Sdbot.worm.bat.b
- W32/Sdbot.worm.dr
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.a
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.b
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.c
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.d
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.e
- W32/Sdbot.worm.gen.q
- W32/Sober
- W32/Sober!data
- W32/Sober.dam
- W32/Sober.eml
- W32/Sober.f.dam
- W32/Sober.g.dam
- W32/Sober.q!spam
- W32/Sober.r.dr
- W32/Sober.r@MM
- W32/Sobig
- W32/Sobig.dam
- W32/Sobig.eml
- W32/Sobig.f.dam
- W32/Sobig.gen@MM
- W32/Spybot.worm
- W32/SQLSlammer.worm
- W32/Swen
- W32/Swen@MM
- W32/Yaha.eml
- W32/Yaha.gen@MM
- W32/Yaha.y@MM
- W32/Yaha@MM
- W32/Zafi
- W32/Zafi.b.dam
- W32/Zindos.worm
- W32/Zotob.worm
- W32/Zotob.worm!hosts
New Detections:
- Generic BackDoor.aaq
- Generic BackDoor.aar
- Generic BackDoor.aas
- Generic BackDoor.aat
- Generic BackDoor.aau
- Generic BackDoor.aav
- Generic Downloader.pi
- Generic Downloader.pj
- Generic
- Generic FakeAlert.lm
- Generic
- W32/Autorun.worm.bga
- ZeroAccess.fl
Enhanced Detections:
- Downloader-BCS
- FakeAlert-KS.gen.av
- FakeAlert-SecurityTool
- Generic
- Generic BackDoor.aap
- Generic
- Generic Downloader.kj
- Generic Downloader.z
- Generic FakeAlert
- Generic VB.jb
- Medfos.e
- PWS-Zbot.gen.uh
- W32/Autorun.worm.g
- ZeroAccess.dr
- ZeroAccess.fe
- ZeroAccess.ff
Hope this useful and good luck. Salam.
There is no better word than thank you, for visiting our blog.
Note: Download will be directed to and to continue the "Skip Advertisement" at the top right corner.
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